What is Guggulsterone and benefits of Guggulsterone



CAS NO: 39025-23-5



Guggul is a small shrub or tree which is approximately 6 m tall with very thick bark and thorny branches. A guggul tree is known for its gummy resin which is tapped or harvested from its bark. Guggul tree is tapped from November to January so that the gum or resin can be collected from May to Jun.

Guggul tree yields about 700 to 900 g of gum or resin annually. The name Guggul means the one which can protect from diseases. The resin of the plant has shown its use in balancing doshas like Vata and Kapha. The resin has a unique essence and when it is sprinkled on hot coal, it gives a dense smoke with a fragrant.


Due to this, it is used in making dhoop and essence sticks. Guggul plant contains a mixture of phytochemicals like steroids, gum, flavonoids, lignan, essential oil, myrrhanol, guggulsterone, and guggulipids are used in treating various diseases.


Benefits of Guggul

·         Guggul is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and some of the research showed it is beneficial in treating acne, psoriasis, arthritis, and eczema.

·         Guggul is found beneficial in the treatment of severe forms of acne in the chest, back, and face.

·         Guggul products have shown better results on people with oily skin and suffering from acne problem, 

·         To avoid the itchiness and skin discoloration related issues Guggul extracted from the Boswellia serrata was found to be effective in treatments.

·         Guggul is helpful in metabolism and it also reduces hunger-like feeling.

·         Guggul formulations are very effective in treating the obesity problem.

·         Guggul extracts intake can help in improving the uptake of iodine in the body and thereby improve the function of the thyroid gland to avoid hypothyroidism.

·         Guggul has a Vata balancing property due to which it is useful in treating osteoarthritis in which there will be severe pain and swelling in the joints.



